Denison Cultural Analysis
Studies have shown that the culture of a company is essentially related to its results.
- everyone makes their contribution,
- all areas are coordinated with each other,
- the target is clear,
- at the end of the day the focus is on the customer!
30 years ago, Prof. Denison (IMD Lausanne) set himself the goal of bringing together the characteristics that are decisive for corporate success in a cultural analysis in a corporate cultural analysis. The resulting cultural analysis is a great success worldwide. As a certified partner of Denison Consulting, we have been supporting companies for many years in carrying out Denison cultural analyses.
In particular, we focus on training and coaching our customers so that the improvement of the corporate culture becomes the core competence of our customers. In the end not only the shareholders get great results but also the employees get a great workplace.
By the way, we like to use online trainings and remote coaching!